Lace ‘Em Up
I am sure you have heard about the importance of moving everyday. You know, moving can improve your mood, your skin, your life..right? I have found this to be SO true!
While I was working but quarantined at home, I learned very quickly that if I worked out in the morning before starting work I had a much better day!
When I lost my job I knew that I needed to build a routine in order to stay sane and on track. I also set some fitness and health goals. Do you have health goals that you put aside while you were working? I used to tell myself “if I was not working I would be in great shape because I would work out every day!” Here is my chance to work out every day!! Is it easy to commit to moving every day? NO!!
But, I have made huge progress!! I tell myself to lace up my gym shoes, and before I know it I am working out. I find getting out of bed and getting going is my hurdle, what is yours?
Let’s share our commitments here:
Move everyday-I have a rowing machine-20 minutes Monday-Friday
Other ways to move-walking, walking, walking…I have found if I commit to 1-2 miles/30 minutes of walking 3-4 days per week I get it done. I have also found that if I leave it to chance I can always find something else to do!! Avoidance is a real thing!
What else can get your heart rate up? Serious cleaning-window washing, car washing, floor scrubbing…you get the idea!! (I love to put on great music, clean, and sweat!!)
I will share my wins, losses, and what is working for me. This is a no judgement zone, we are all works in progress!!