Vintage NFL Sheet Quilt
My sister Kathy called me and asked if I would consider making a few quilts for a customer of hers. This guy fondly remembers his childhood NFL bed sheets, and found them on eBay. His idea was to turn these into quilts for his man cave, and then to gift others to friends for Christmas.
I do sew, but I have never made a quilt before. But I was interested in making some money, and trying something new. I will share my process with you as I embark on this new venture!!
This is the template my sister sent from the graphic designer customer.
Not traditional quilting, and easier once I saw this!
I have all the pieces cut, and have started putting them together.
What do you think so far?
Now it is put together, and I have sewn navy ribbon in between.
Next step is to add the batting (filling), and sew on the back!
I deliver both quilts this afternoon!!!